Universalolje på serviett som løser opp krutt, bly og kobberavleiringer. Beskytter mot rust, renser og smører metallflater. 5 stk individuelt pakkede 18x20 cm store servietter. Perfekt å ha i feltveska eller jaktsekken ute på tur.
Bore Tech’s Extreme Grease HD is an ultra tacky triple based synthetic blend formulated specifically for superior firearm operation. The high performance extreme pressure additives, enhanced rust inhibitors, and nano-ceramic temperature lubricants provide a wide operational temperature range of -85°F to +700°F and eliminate the “gumming” and “running” found our competitors’ brands The proprietary formulation has a much lower coefficient of friction than molydisulfide, flouropolymers, lithium and graphite based greases and penetrates into metallic and polymer surfaces providing unsurpassed and extended lubrication to over 2000°F.
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